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The project, which is being led by Google’s co-founder Sergey Brin and Google engineer Steve Lee, is being built in a secret Google laboratory devoted to futuristic technology.cheap oakley sunglasses wholesale “People have needs regardless of what you’re hearing about healthcare reform and the economy,” Dejong said.” With the second purchase, around the corner from their first Montgomery home, the Janssens paid $225,000 for an older home on Zig Zag Road. Dr.. [oakley razrwire sunglasses] You've got Glass all wrong Beware the coming of the Google Glass photographer Google frames Glass with new styles and shades (pictures) We still have no idea when a consumer version might offer Glass to a normal person rather than an early adopter with $1,500 to blow on a beta product, but this announcement comes right on the heels of Google's very public attempt to dispel a number of conceptions about Glass that it referred to as "myths.

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